Sunday Morning
Sunday School – 9 AM
Worship Service – 10:15 AM
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Copyright 2024, Central Baptist Church – Magnolia, AR.
All Rights Reserved.
Central Baptist Church’s W.E.E. Care Center’s primary purpose is to teach, guide and love children; to make a lifelong impression on their lives and the lives of their families; teaching them about the love of Jesus Christ.
We aim to meet the needs of children spiritually, physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. Our curriculum, Wee Learn, is Bible based and uses the learning center concepts.
By God’s design, worship is one of the most important aspects of a believer’s life in Christ. It involves so much more than music. Worship is a moment by moment activity. It is not confined to a day or a time or a place. Those who love the Lord seek ways to please, honor, and serve the One who first loved them. We worship as we study His Word. We worship as we spend time talking with Him. We worship as we walk with Him in our workplace and at school and at home. We worship as we help and serve those around us who need us. And, yes, we worship when we gather in His name to sing His praise and to hear the preaching of His Word.
Here at Central Baptist Church you will find music which keeps Christ central. We love to sing the great hymns of our faith, as well as, strong Scripture songs – many drawn directly from Psalms. We are continually blessed by the contributions of our current Christian songwriters, who help us to “sing a new song to the Lord.” We aim to follow Paul’s admonition to sing “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19
Keep reading to see how all ages (Children, Students, Adults) can be involved in worship here at CBC.
Students and adults are encouraged to participate in this choir, whose purpose it is to support our congregation each Sunday in worship. No previous experience is needed, just a desire to sing for Jesus.
Who: Adults and Students
When: Wednesdays at 7 PM
Where: Choir Room
Students, with at least three years of experience on their instrument, and adults will enjoy using their talents to glorify God with this group of instrumentalists. Our orchestra participates each Sunday in worship.
Rehearsals are Sundays @ 8:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
Children, 4 years through 6th grade have a great time learning about music and worship through games and hands on musical experiences, geared to their age level. The kids also enjoy singing songs which will be shared with our congregation. At least once a year, they prepare a musical which is always fun and always presents a positive message, centering on Jesus and our love for Him. Rehearsals are Sundays @ 6:00 p.m. in Room 313.
Who: age 4 through 6th grade
When: Sundays @ 6 PM
Where: Room 313
Our Preschool Division of Sunday School provides trained leaders to care, help develop and train our children in the teachings of Jesus. Through age-appropriate means, we seek to help each child learn more about God, His love for them and His plan for their lives. Our preschool area is located on the second floor of the main building. Classrooms are age appropriate and equipped to meet the needs of each child. In addition to Sunday School, we provide childcare during worship service for children who have not yet entered kindergarten through our Extended Session program. Enroll your preschoolers in one of the Sunday School classes listed below!
Shirley Morrison, Rebecca Rangel, and Marla Gunnels
Tom Pearson and Margie Massey
Betty Franks and Debbie Chatelain
Shelley Cassidy and Billie Dadgar
Debbie Smith, Sara Carrington, Tammy Downs, Smeady Stuart
Carla Manning and John Kirkpatrick
Sunday School – 9 AM
Worship Service – 10:15 AM
Copyright 2024, Central Baptist Church – Magnolia, AR.
All Rights Reserved.